The Horizon Europe project RESPOND (Rescuing Democracy from Political Corruption in Digital Societies) led by the Department of Political and Social Science at the University of Bologna, is pleased to invite you to its hybrid seminar series. Join us on April 15 at 3 PM (CET)for the talk titled “Awareness of Corruption and Attitudes Toward Socio-Economic Inequality: Experimental Evidence from Lithuania, Hungary,…
This event is structured around three panels, each designed to foster meaningful discussion and exchange of ideas on researching and combating corruption, and their impacts. The first panel will present different experiences in anti-corruption research, with guest speakers from the Quality of Government (QoG) Institute and from three ongoing international research projects: BRIDGEGAP, FALCON and KLEPTOTRACE. The second panel will delve…
RESPOND Seminar Serieswith David Jancsics, Professor at San Diego State University Aula Romei (Via dei Bersaglieri 6c, Bologna) and Zoom (Join Zoom Meeting ) What fostered corruption in Hungary? What are the most typical forms of corruption in this country? What do Hungarians think about it? What is the role of prime minister Viktor Orbán in this? …
The RESPOND project is hosting its first public event titled “How to Tackle Political Corruption in Digital Societies” on May 22, 2024, from 01:00 to 15:00. The event, held both online and in Bologna at the Ulisse Room, Accademia delle Scienze, will officially launch the project “RESPOND – Rescuing Democracy from Political Corruption in Digital…
The RESPOND project officially launched with a successful Kick-off Meeting at the University of Bologna from May 22 to 24, 2024. The event brought together a wide range of stakeholders, including the project’s Consortium members, Advisory Board, and the general public, who attended both in-person and online. The meeting began with a public session on…